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HKCCF Subsidiaries


Hong Kong Youth Volunteers Association

Vigoroso studio


Smart Wash

The Hong Kong Children’s Charity Foundation encourages the establishment of a branch-the Hong Kong Youth Volunteer Association, to gather a group of capable and caring young people to volunteer to serve the society and the public, to strengthen and expand the service to Hong Kong youth.


Hong Kong Youth Volunteers Association

錨點 1

Vigoroso Studio was established in 2014. "Vigoroso" means full of vitality, and we believe that energy is the essence of life. We pursue dreams with vitality and persistence, and hope to use motivation to build a platform of mutual respect and equality for young people to give full play to their strengths, and help people in need, through creativity and innovative ideas to serve the public


Vigoroso studio

錨點 2

The Hong Kong Children’s Charity Foundation is recognized by the "Enhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership Programmed” and established the "Smart Wash (Social Enterprise)" as a dishwashing social enterprise to create employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups and assist them in self-reliance.


Smart Wash

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螢幕快照 2020-02-08 下午9.53.25.png
螢幕快照 2020-02-08 下午9.53.47.png
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© 香港兒童慈善基金會 Hong Kong Children Charity Foundation

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